Ultimate Powder Skiing

Introduction to Off Piste Success

Ultimate Powder Skiing - Introduction to Off Piste Success

The System

Finally Master Off Piste Skiing Properly....

> This course is for Intermediate and Advanced Piste Skiers who want to Master
Off Piste Powder Skiing.

Discover the reasons why most Skiers fail off piste
and end up head planting too often causing injury and huge set-backs.

Confidence is King in the Off Piste....

SKIING IS ACTUALLY EASY when you know how...


NUANCE.... This is what Martin is renowned for...

This system will make you a successful off piste skier.


• The 5 Golden Keys
•  A full Skiing analysis
The colour hand book
•  Online private video learning access.

Based on Martin's three decades of work at the cutting edge of Ski Instruction, Coaching and Guiding, this System will give you:-

A detailed guide to off piste skiing safety so you have the essential knowledge to back you up and be able to ski off piste in a safe environment everytime, without failure.

An in depth introduction to the basic powder turn and how to use it so you can handle your speed and build your confidence easily and predictably.

The Important elements for powder turn mastery so you can can guarantee a solid and reliable descent through the powder snow consistently, everytime.

The Golden rules that govern off piste mastery and why you must follow these.
This is the difference that seperates the achievers off piste from the rest.

Advanced mindset, secrets and ski techniques to master off piste skiing in all conditions enabling you to become a real expert in no time at all.

Plus much, much more...

Normal price £597.00

Only £197.00 (- 67%)

This system is priceless and will save you years of misery, high costs in lessons
and set backs.

Click to order Ultimate Powder Skiing


Milestone 1

Essential overview of Off Piste Skiing

The most important piece of equipment you must wear, it's not a choice

The importance of being prepared and how to do that

Why being in communication is important and what to look out for

How to know what is and isn't dangerous off piste

The truth about skiing alone and the best way to handle it

One of the most important rules off piste

How to build off piste slope confidence with this important concept

Why most skier's struggle in turns and get impatient off piste

The secret to staying safe. Why many skiers and even professionals act un professionally and break this rule! Get this right so you set the example and return home alive!

Milestone 2

Understanding the basic turn in the powder

Why making your fresh powder track in a certain way is crucial to success

The importance of not skiing like a piste skier off piste and why

How to practice this one skill to set you up for control of speed off piste

The 1, 2 movement that changes the game in powder turns

How to remain smooth in each turn without loosing control

Why and how to use your poles. Most skiers get this wrong

Learn why most skier's never flow smoothly in the powder

The essentials to a steady turn in deep snow

Milestone 3

The secrets to master your powder turns

The 5 Golden Rules to follow before you go off piste

Breaking down the perfect set up to stand you in good stead

Making your first turn and the ideal check list to follow

Understanding weight control and why you need to tune your senses

How to nail your turns with certainty. Most skiers miss this bit out

Reinforcing flow and why this is crucial

The power of visualisation, watch this and master it

How to build up your confidence

Milestone 4

The art of etiquette off piste

Crossing an off piste slope correctly and why most people get this wrong

The BIG GOLDEN RULE - Get this wrong and your life is at risk!

What you should be focusing on when you join a fresh skiing track and why

The most important 'part' of your turn in the powder

How to ski with respect off piste and why it's so important

Understanding discipline off piste. Most people screw this up

Looking at off piste skiing in a different light, not just the technique. Master this and you'll become a 1% er in the powder. Everyone else will hold you in high esteem

Milestone 5

Advanced secrets to success

When to use the common weighted turn and why it has its limits

How to use the advanced turning technique. Crucial to grasp!

The importance of specific focus and how this will skyrocket your performance

Why you need to ski strong on bigger powder slopes

How to ski powder in the trees easily without loosing control

Understanding experience and the best way to progress fast

Ultimate skier secrets to guarantee you total powder dominance

Normal price £597.00

Only £197.00 (- 67%)

This system is priceless and will save you years of misery, high costs in lessons
and set backs.

Click to order Ultimate Powder Skiing


For further information email Martin info@skimckay.com




Ultimate Skiing Secrets

Beginner to Parallel Success

Learn How To Ski System - DVD, Book and 5 Golden Keys

Learn How to Ski Properly

> This course is for *Complete Beginners.

Discover the natural skiing movements that will have you gliding
down the ski slopes effortlessly and confidently....

This is the complete A - Z of how to ski on snow.

This system will make you a successful skier.


• The 5 Golden Keys
•  A full Skiing analysis
The binder folder
•  Online private video learning access.

* This course is also helpful for you if you're an underconfident
intermediate skier... Here Martin details the 47 Stages to Skiiing
success, from a Beginner to an Intermediate, then to Parallel Skiing...

Based on Martin's three decades of work at the cutting edge of Ski Instruction, Coaching and Guiding, this System will give you:-

A detailed guide to building your ski confidence and control during the initial stages as a learner skier, ensuring you have the correct ground works in place.

The Important elements that ensure you are able to control your skiing speed and how to guarantee your movements work correctly when you need them so they're fail-safe.

An in depth introduction to basic skiing turns so they'll stand you in good stead as
you progress, ensuring you don't ever regress.

The transition phase to parallel skiing and how to use simple movement patterns correctly
with clarity and finesse.

Advanced skiing techniques and vital tips that will
guarantee you parallel skiiing success.

And lots, lots...

Normal price £597.00

Only £197.00 (- 67%)

This system is priceless and will save you years of misery, high costs in lessons
and set backs.

Click to order Ultimate Skiing Secrets - Beginner to Parallel Success


Milestone 1

Ski boots and how to put them on the right way.

How to clip in and out of your ski boots correctly.

The truth about how to stand on your skis. Most
people get this wrong.

Walking and warming up on your ski's properly.

Building confidence when climbing small slopes.

How to use your ski poles to help you at the early stages.

The importance of being ready for your first skiing run.

How to build the right foundations to become a top skier.

Speed control is the answer: Essential introduction.

How to get up if you fall over so that you don’t struggle.

Milestone 2

How to control your speed when skiing early on.

The essential snowplough golden rule to follow.

Perfecting the snowplough up close for effectiveness.

The importance of segmenting this stage to be clearer.

How to reinforce speed control for consistency.

The build up to using your skiing brakes safely.

How to stop suddenly in an emergency at speed.

Why maintaining smoothness is absolutely crucial on skis.


Milestone 3

Learning how to make your first turn on skis.

Breaking down the movements of the snowplough turn.

The importance of the MIDDLE stage.

Structuring your ski turns to make rapid improvements.

How to master the turn in slow motion.

The secret to build your confidence at this early stage.

See and learn from two view points, front and back.

Cementing the turning movements clear in your mind.

How to take advantage of time in the turn.

Milestone 4

How to go from a snowplough to a basic swing.

Understanding the basic ski swing - inside leg action.

How to breakdown the parts in the correct order.

The BIG Golden Rule.

What your upper body should be doing and why.

Traversing on skis and its useful and powerful benefits.

The most important skill in skiing and how to use it.

How to be able to control your skis in all directions.

Milestone 5

How to go from a basic swing to a parallel skiing turn.

The importance of making one turn at a time.

How to use your natural range - Most skier’s fail.

Why you need to use your range to ski efficiently.

How to make the parallel ski turn in the correct order.

Using your ski edges to give your precise control.

How to use your skiing poles to maximise your stability.

Mastering your ski poles and turns to create fluidity.

The complete parallel turn with style and control.

Normal price £597.00

Only £197.00 (- 67%)

This system is priceless and will save you years of misery, high costs in lessons
and set backs.

Click to order Ultimate Skiing Secrets - Beginner to Parallel Success

For further information email Martin info@skimckay.com






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