Private Ski Instruction in Val d'Isere

Welcome to - 2024 / 2025.

Transform Your Skiing with Martin Mckay Skiing.

World Leading Ski Instruction, Coaching and Guiding.

On and Off Piste.

Developing a Natural Feel for your Skiing, Building your Confidence and having great Fun... That's what it's all about...

Martin helps Skier's to become fully rounded and prepared for all eventualities in a Mountain environment... This in turn leads to a Safe and Enjoyable experience.

Skiing awesome requires a great plan with plenty of Humility, Integrity, Focus and Discipline...

With Humility comes Integrity, this is a crucial lesson in Human Peak Performance, only when you can hold yourself to account can you thrive!

Ego's aside, Let go and Get ready!

Master Powder Skiing » Click Here

In Ultimate Powder Skiing Martin shows you the steps required to get to grips with skiing powder snow...

Broken down into 47 stages, here you'll be able to assimilate off piste tecnhiques with crystal clear clarity, in turn this will enable you to accelarate your personal progress when Skiiing off piste.

Kick start your Skiing Journey...

As with learner Skier's, one of the best ways to learn is complete immersion. With the aid of visual and audio cue's, Martin will train your subconscious self to be best placed for learning off piste Skiing.

Click the below image to learn more...

Ultimate Powder Skiing - Introduction to Off Piste Success

Learn To Ski » For Beginners and Intermediate Skiers

Learning to Ski from scratch is attainable for most, but if you haven't tried it you might think it's going to be too difficult for you, not so...

With the correct technique in place, you too can climb the ladder to Skiing success.

As with off piste Skiing, one of the best way to learn is total immersion. With the aid of visual and audio cue's, Martin will train your subconscious self to be best placed for learning how to ski.

This is also for intermediate Skiers, why... because cleaning up your movement pattern is all powerful, it will help you to become smoother in your Skiing.. go over the details properly with Martin.

Learn more.. Click the image below...

Learn to ski the pistes

2024 / 2025 - A Special Message from Martin

Dear Friend,

Carpe Diem!

The are two pains in life:- 1) Discipline and 2) Regret.

Discipline weighs ounces, Regret weighs tonnes.

Join me in person or online....

Learn more at the store.

Best wishes,



Alpine Ski Coach - B.E.E.S 1er degre ski alpin.

x4 IRONMAN 140.6 athlete.

Val d'Isere Ski Instructor Martin Mckay

Val d'Isere Ski Instructor Martin Mckay

Below: Martin racing at Ironman with Alistar Brownlee.

Alistair and Martin at IRONMAN RACING

Ski Instructor Martin Mckay

Mogul Skiing with Martin

Off Piste Private Skiing Lessons




Ski Lessons

FREE Resources

Leading Private Ski Instruction in Val d'Isere, France

On and Off Piste



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Mountain Hardwear, Salomon and Bolle. Used by skimckay.